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Pembahasan Soal Simulasi UNBK Bahasa Inggris SMK 2018 Part I

Hi students!
Maafkeun saya karena baru ngepost setelah setahun berlalu. Maklum, blognya emang dibuat buat UN aja sih. *ketahuan malesnya
Anyway, today I will share pembahasan soal untuk persiapan UNBK SMK. Soalnya saya ambil dari simulasi UNBK yang dilaksanakan tanggal 1 Februari 2018. Check them out!

Text 1
Welcome Cell is a leading cellular telecomunication operator, based in Indonesia. Established in 1993, the company provides GSM cellular services nationally through its own nationwide dual band network and internationally through 341 international roaming partners in 180 countries. The total number of customer in 2010 was 107.02 million, consisting of 2.19 million post paid and 104.83 million prepaid customers. Respectively at the end of 2010, the company had approximately 43% of shares in the total wireless market. The company offers 2 pre-paid cards (SIMPATIK and Joker card) and the post-paid HOLLA card service. 

Question 1.
What can we conclude about Welcome Cell?
A. It's old
B. It's small
C. It's modern
D. It's popular.

Tips: Baca soal dulu. Lihat pilihan jawaban. Cocokkan pilihan jawaban dengan teks yang ada. 
Eliminasi jawaban satu per satu. Jika meragukan, biarkan dulu.
Hilangkan option B karena tidak sesuai dengan teks. Melihat sekup Welcome Cell yang international, dan juga kata "leading" pada kalimat pertama, sudah pasti perusahaan itu tidak "small".
Hilangkan option C karena tidak ada penyebutan kata "modern" maupun sinonimnya.
Jika dilihat dari option yang tersisa, popular lebih tepat karena tersirat dari number of customer dan negara yang disebutkan juga banyak. Usianya yang mendekati 20 tahun sepertinya belum bisa dijadikan patokan bahwa itu perusahaan tua atau "old" 

Question 2
When did the company have 43% of shares in the total wireless market?
A. 1993
B. 1994
C. 2010
D. 2011

Sudah dicetak tebal ya, kenapa jawabannya jadi C. Inget WHEN artinya KAPAN dan simply cari tulisan di pertanyaan itu di teksnya.  

Question 3
How does Welcome Cell provide GSM cellular service internationally?
A. Through its product
B. Through its customers
C. Through its nationwide
D. Through its roaming partners

Sudah digarisbawahi ya, kenapa jawabannya D. Sudah jelas di teks. How itu artinya bagaimana.

Text 2
Jakarta Dreamland Park, better known as Batavian, by most Indonesian people, is a recreation area located on the coast of Jakarta Gulf. It has a number of different recreation facilities:  golf course, Batavia Marina Bay, Art Market, "Dunia Fantasy", "Seaworld Indonesia", "Gelanggang Samudera","Atlantis Water Adventure", Jakarta Dreamland Park also provides facilities for those visitors who want to stay in the Batavian area.

Other interesting places nearby Jakarta Dreamland Park include Manggis Dua Square (about 1-2 kilometers away) and Kota Tua (about 2-5 kilometers away). Kota Tua has some interesting places, such as Jakarta History Museum, Wayang Museum, Fine Art and Ceramic Museum. Maritime Museum, Sunda Kelapa Harbour, Kota Intan Bridge, Syahbandar Tower, as well as old buildings from the Dutch colonial period.

Question 1
Paragraph one mainly discusses...
A. interesting spots of Jakarta Dreamland Park
B. history of Indonesian heroes for freedom in Batavia
C. violence during the Dutch occupation period in Indonesia
D. visitors to Jakarta Dreamland Park during school holidays

Untuk soal semacam "mainly discuss", utamakan baca kalimat pertamanya. Jika kalimat pertama tidak mewakili keseluruhan paragraf ya baca semuanya. Wkwkwkwkwk. Tapi kalo liat dari option jawaban sih sudah jelas A ya.

Question 2
According to the text, ...
A. there are some museums in Jakarta Dreamland Park
B. Jakarta Dreamland Park doesn't have a cottage nearby
C. Kota Tua has buildings built during the Dutch Colonial period
D. there are three museums and a big amusement park at Kota Tua

Option A salah. Option B belum tentu benar karena disebutkan ada place to stay walaupun bukan cottage. Option D juga salah karena museum lebih dari 3. Jadi jawabannya C.

Text 3
Have you ever operated the cash register? If you have never done this, you can follow the following steps.
1. Set up your cash register
2. Plug it in
3. Install  batteries
4. Install the receipt paper
5. Unlock the drawer
6. Turn the register on
7. Program your register

Question 1
What will happen if we don't program the register?
A. We can't operate it
B. We will unlock the drawer
C. The machine will run well
D. We can't install the batteries

Well, ini soal agak - agak ya. Kita diminta untuk menebak jawabannya. Nah bisa dilihat dari urutan stepnya. option dengan step sebelum program the register kita eliminasi. Jadi jawaban B dan D itu dadah bubye. Sekarang bandingkan option A dan C. Secara logika, jika step tidak kita laksanakan, tidak mungkin machine-nya akan run well. Jadi jawabannya A.

Question 2
What is the first step of the procedure?
A. To plug it in
B. To turn the register on
C. To program the register
D. To set up the cash register

Ini gampang banget kan ga... First = satu so jawabannya D lah.

Text 4
PT AZUA Golden Mississippi was established in 1983 as the pioneer of bottled mineral water company in Indonesia. The first factory was built in Bekasi. Over 30 years, the company has expanded into 14 factories throughout Indonesia.

In 1998, a strategic alliance was established between AZUA Group (with PT Banyu Investama as its holding company) and PANONE Group. The merger has further improved AZUA's performance in terms of product quality, market share, and bottling technology.

Under the flag of PANONE-AZUA, the company provides far-reaching services throughout Indonesia available in more than 1,000,000 outlets across Indonesia to ensure the availability of AZUA products.

Question 1
How did AZUA company improve its performance?
A. By merging with other companies
B. By producing bottling technology
C. By building a factory in Bekasi
D. By making a new market share

Clear ya jawabannya bisa dilihat yang dicetak tebal. A.

Question 2
Based on the text, AZUA...
A. merged with PANONE after it operated for 15 years
B. bought PANONE company to expand its service
C. was established by Banyu Investama
D. did not improve after the merger

Jawabannya A ya. bisa dilihat dari kata alliance and the merger bahwa AZUA dan PANONE itu di-merged, bukan PANONE-nya yang dibeli. Trus dari 1983 ke 1998 itu tepat 15 tahun seperti pada option A.

Question 3
where was the first company of AZUA built in Indonesia?
A. Malang
B. Mississippi
C. Bekasi
D. Jakarta

Jawabannya sudah jelas digarisbawahi di atas. C.

Text 5
Tanjung Benoa, or the Benoa peninsula in Nusa Dua Bali, has become much busier over the years and has a wide range of accomodations including prestigious resorts.

Benoa Peninsual is home for luxury hotels, private villas, restaurants, open-air cafes and watersport facilities. The shape of the beach also makes Tanjung Benoa perfect for water sports.

Tanjung Benoa has something for everyone - especially if you like water sports, such as snorkeling, diving, windsurfing, water skiing, power boats, banana boats, and reef fishing. (The reef is just 200 meters from the shoreline at the north eastern tip)

Question 1
According to the text, Tanjung Benoa is the best place for those who...
A. like water sports
B. like to save money
C. want to buy a house
D. want to join a fishing competition

Clear ya jawabannya A. Ada statement yang dicetak tebal di teksnya. 

Question 2
What is the second paragraph about?
A. Types of water sports facilities 
B. Reef conservation and fishing areas
C. The historical aspects of Tanjung Benoa
D. Accommodation and sport facilities in Tanjung Benoa

Yang paling tepat yang D ya. kalo yang A kan di paragraf 3.

Text 6
Levi Strauss came to the United States from Bavaria as teenager. After spending several years in New York, he made a journey to California when the gold rush was at its peak. He got the idea to sell tents to the gold miners, but they were not interested. He recycled the brown canvas cloth int sturdy pants which became a great demand in mining camps. Later he began making work pants in the blue cotton fabric imported from France, called "Serge de Nimes", known in America as "Denim".

Along with Jacob Davis, a tailor from Nevada, Strauss patented a pattern of copper rivets to strengthen the stress point on pants, especially the pocket. They first became known as waist overalls, then "Levis". They became so popular that Strauss concentrated most of his effort on the manufacture and sales of the durable work pants.

Question 1 
We can conclude from the text that...
A. Strauss once lived in France
B. Strauss sold the pants to school
C. The pants had special details on the zipper
D. The material of the pants was called Denim

Udah clear banget jawabannya yang D ya... B sama C udah pasti salah. Kalo A dibanding sama D kurang signifikan.

Question 2
What is the main idea of paragraph one?
A. The life of Levi Strauss
B. The history of gold rush
C. The favorite work pants
D. The early business of Levi

Yang paling tepat D. Option A dan B itu nggak dibahas. Yang C ada statementnya tapi kurang representatif terhadap keseluruhan paragraf, karena cuma kalimat di tengah - tengah yang berfungsi sebagai penjelas. 

Text 7
Ronny Corporation, incorporated on May, 1946, is engaged in the development, design, manufacture, and sale of various kinds of electronic equipment, instrument, and devices for consumer, professional and industrial markets, as well as game consoles and software. Ronny's primary manufacturing facilities are located in Japan, Europe, and Asia. Ronny is engaged in various financial service businesses, including life and non-life insurance operations and banking operations. In a ddition, Ronny is also engaged in a network service business and advertising agency business in Japan.

Question 1
According to the text, we can conclude that Ronny's Corporation is...
A. a foreign company
B. a professional consumer
C. a financial service business
D. a well-developed company

Kesimpulannya ada pada pilihan D. 

Question 2
One of financial service businesses managed by Ronny Corporation is...
A. motion pictures
B. non-life insurance
C. devices for consumer
D. distribution of recorded music.

Clear seperti yang dicetak tebal itu jawabannya B ya...

Text 8
Toraja Land (Tana Toraja) is safety protected beyond the lofty mountains and rugged granite cliffs of the central highlands of South Sulawesi, which is the home of the Toraja people. 

Toraja people are famous for their massive peaked-roof houses known as "Tongkonan". They have unique cultures and rituals, most of which are mostly centered around grave and death ceremonies. The funeral ceremony can take days and involves entire villages. These are not only condolence moments but also the events to renew family ties and to ensure the continuity of the unity among villages and communities.

Question 1
The second paragraph is mainly about...
A. the funeral ceremony of the Torajans
B. the way the Torajans build their houses
C. the cultural characteristics of the Torajans
D. the location of Toraja Land 

Yang paling tepat adalah C. Karena membahas rumah dan juga upacara kematian.

Question 2
The funeral ceremony, a part of being a moment of condolence, is also considered as a moment of...
A. calling community members
B. moving to massive houses
C. living in "Tongkonan"
D. renewing family ties

Udah jelas ada di teks jawabannya D ya...

Text 9
How to use Dubsmash, a video Selfie application
(1) Download and install the Dubsmash App on your playstore
(2) After installation, the app will ask you about language preference.
(3) Select the sound or you can create your soundboard
     If you don't find any desired sound for your dub then you can record or upload one.
(4) Create the dub, as a matter of fact your first dub won't be perfect. Don't worry and keep practicing until you learn the art of dubbing.
(5) Edit the dub, you can also add a text and symbol to your Dubsmash video
(6) Share or download the dub on your social media application.

Question 1
Based on the text, we can conclude that...
A. the app is only suitable for teenagers and adult
B. creating a dub is not a one-shot activity
C. the app is quite complicated to be used
D. Dubsmash makes people more creative

Well, sejujurnya saya belum bisa memutuskan jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan ini karena rasa -rasanya relatif sekali. Next time ya...

Sekian yang bisa saya pantau selama simulasi 2 UNBK SMK, semoga bermanfaat ya dear students. Good luck for the National Exam in April!!!

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Agus setiawan said...

Sangat membantu sekali,,,mohon jumlah soal diperbanyak lagi.

Unknown said...

Kak mau tanya. Untuk text procedure yang first procedure mengapa tidak set up the cash register? Mohon pembahasannya. Trimakasih

Random Rainbow said...

Oops sorry sissy. Itu salah saya. Jawabannya bener set up cash register kok. Di penjelasannya udah bener yang nomor 1. Optionnya yang salah. Makasi udah point out yaaa

Random Rainbow said...

Bisa cek postingan yang satu lagi ya... Ada more questions di sana.

Satria baja ungu said...

Ada soal un nya.?

Satria baja ungu said...

Ada soal un nya.?

Arif Galuh said...

Makasih kak, sangat membantu sekali buat saya yg mau unp

Unknown said...

parahlah saya ga ngerti yang soal terakhir

Unknown said...

Ada lagi ga?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


biworodotcom said...

Jujur, aku baca ini karena disuruh guru bahasa inggrisku. Tapi malah bermanfaat, sip matap bro

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